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Confidence Building

Confidence is something we gain through learning from our experiences and keeping a positive mind-set when things get tough. Jade draws on her experiences as a young person and uses her learnings to educate young people on how to keep a positive mental attitude in times of stress or upset and become aware of triggers and patterns that can cause a lack of self esteem.

Teen Programme

Jade offers 1-1 mentoring and therapy sessions

Confidence is something we gain through learning from our experiences and keeping a positive mind-set when things get tough. Jade draws on her experiences as a young person and uses her learnings to educate young people on how to keep a positive mental attitude in times of stress or upset and become aware of triggers and patterns that can cause a lack of self esteem. She also uses a combination of NLP and Hypnotherapy to subconsciously promote feelings of motivation, capability and confidence. 

School Workshop (60mins)

  • Value your strengths and learn to sustain positive feelings, crucial to achieving your upmost potential in life.
  • Use your thoughts to your advantage with awareness and positive visualisation skills to manifest your own reality.
  • Realise, achieve and sustain your true potential with the help of proven methods and strategies that will ensure success.

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